Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Make a PDF file

Often many friends asked an office, how to create PDF documents? probably many who do not know, very often we use the default pdf adobe-reader or Foxit, well, there are several options several software that can be used, but PDFCreator made ​​pdfforge offer easy and practical function. This software last updated June 4, 2012 it was even free.

The way it works, you can simply set up the document you want to create a PDF file. Once ready, you can export it in a way documents are printed via the Print command in the program you are using, and then choose PDFCreator as your printer. Make print settings as required and then. As a result, the document is not printed on paper, but rather to generate a new PDF file format


Besides the basic functions to create a PDF, this software also provides features to send the generated PDF file via email, digital signatures in PDF files is to mark you PDF Creator, as well as facilities to encrypt PDF documents not to be opened and printed by anyone . PDF Creator program can be installed on Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7. Installation file size about 18 MB.

PDFCreator advantage of pdfforge:
PDFCreator allows you to create PDF document files directly from any program you use, as long as this program provides features for document printing. This software is free, it can replace programs such as Adobe PDF (Acrobat) is purely commercial.

The program has an intuitive interface is not available as in other Windows programs. Note also the font that you use, it is probably not render fonts properly.

To try it please download it Here

Good Luck

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